The International Islamic Youth League, African Youth Development Centre March in the last 22 years In 2013 to 2014 the International Islamic Youth League, African Youth Development Centre continued to focus on implementing key structural changes in the organisation and widened its connections with International partner organizations both overseas Europe, Middle East, Asia, West Africa and Sub Sahel African Region for effective emergency response and post-disaster recovery. This has resulted in an enhanced level of accountability and beneficiary participation in designing and delivering our programmes. International Islamic Youth League, African Youth Development Centre was one of the first Youths NGOs to provide much needed food, shelter and healthcare in Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia Senegal, Chad and Cameroon to people affected by the devastating drought in the Horn of Africa. While our Africa drought appeal brought over USD 3 million in donations, other disasters, i.e. the in Mali civil conflict, floods in Mali, Sierra Leone, Senegal and the religious civil in Central African Republic, and the cold wave across countries such as the Sub Sahel Region of African also received an overwhelming response. As well as responding to these emergencies, International Islamic Youth League, African Youth Development Centre continued to expand in 2014 and implemented long term development projects to tackle poverty and create a secure future for disadvantaged people. In 2013, International Islamic Youth League, African Youth Development Centre launched a Shelter projects for the victims of Religious and civil conflict from Central African Republic in Chad with Integrated refugee’s camps in seven locations in partnership with Islamic Development Bank Groups (IDB), the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) UNHCR, UNOCHA, WFP, and other International Humanitarian partners organizations such as Human Concern International Canada, International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation.
In October 2013, International Islamic Youth League, African Youth Development Centre day was observed all over the world by our countries offices and UN partners organizations, renewing our commitment to providing Shelter, Health Care, Food Security, Community Services Development and education opportunities to war affected peoples and children in the developing countries in West Africa and Sub Sahel Regions of Africa in pursuit of the second UN Millennium Development Goal. Through disaster risk management programmes, International Islamic Youth League, African Youth Development Centre has worked with local communities, Government, beneficiaries and UN Agencies to prevent and reduce the risks involved when disasters occur. In the Sub Sahel Region of African, the year brought expansion to International Islamic Youth League, African Youth Development Centre regional programme and activities, reviewing the role of both staff and volunteers. Our fundraising partners and our partner organizations in United Kingdom, Malaysia, Ireland, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Sultanate of Oman, Bahrain New Zealand, Canada, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Germany, the Netherland and United State of America engaged with community leaders and local partners. In 2013, International Islamic Youth League, African Youth Development Centre also increased its presence in social media, allowing us to be more accessible and transparent not only to our donors and beneficiaries but also to the public at large. Through the combined efforts of our teams at the Sub Sahel Region of Africa and overseas, the International Islamic Youth League, African Youth Development Centre has been able to add value to empowering communities worldwide. This could not have been possible without the vision of our Trustees and the immense support we have received from our individual, corporate donors and the United Nations Agencies, to whom we convey our deep gratitude. Together we have worked to demonstrate that through partnering with international NGOs, community organisations, businesses, schools and partner organization such as Islamic Development Bank, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Muslim Aid, Muslim Charity Help the Needy UK, Human Concern International Canada, International Blue Crescent Relief Development Foundation and Globus Relief of the United State of America, we can and will continue to tackle poverty at grass roots level. I also wish to acknowledge the hard work, dedication and commitment of my staffs and volunteers in the our countries Offices, as well as sub-offices and temporary camps established in emergency areas, who have proved to be the bedrock of our charity in taking services to the doorsteps of the beneficiaries in many parts of the world and Africa in general.
We are confident that by building humanitarian coalitions and participating in the development consortia with other relief and development organisations, International Islamic Youth League, African Youth Development Centre will be in a strong position to fulfill its role as a leading youth International Humanitarian Organization in the years ahead. We deeply appreciate the support of our donors both individuals, institutions and partner organizations who have made it great effort and possible response for International Islamic Youth League to serve humanity both in need and in adversity
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------International Islamic Youth League March in the last 21 years has been long and arduous, but it has also been a positive and rewarding experience. International Islamic Youth League impressive performance is yet another Sierra Leone and West African countries success story of how a small faith-based community charity has grown over the years to become a dynamic and successful international relief and development organisation, providing help for sustainable development and enabling people to act locally, not just for themselves but for their communities.
In the face of natural disasters and conflicts in many parts of West African countries that left millions of people homeless, hungry and without livelihoods, International Islamic Youth League has shown its ability to meet daunting challenges with creativity, expertise and sensitivity. It has worked hard to give value for money using both community donations and International funding with the lowest ratio of overhead and admin cost to address the root causes of poverty and undertake sustainable projects to empower people to fulfil their true potential.
However, with success come other challenges. As we have grown bigger, the bar on our performance targets has been raised. Our supporters expect International Islamic Youth League to do more with less. International Islamic Youth League has raised its game by strengthening the field offices and putting in place best practice through a major restructuring of our organisation and programmes. There are many niches that international Islamic Youth League continues to fill. We are now focused on capacity building, disaster mitigation, microfinance for development and helping local communities achieve the underperformed targets in the UN Millennium Development Goals, especially in educating the girl child, women health and maternity and poverty eradication.
On our 21st anniversary I take this opportunity to gratefully acknowledge the support International Islamic Youth League IIYL has received over the years from our supporters, partners and donor organisations. We also thank Her Highness Sheikh Salama Bint Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Nahyan the Government and the United Nations Humanitarian Agencies, United Arab Red Crescent and other donors organisation for the encouragement and support provided to International Islamic Youth League to play a positive role in community development and building inter-faith relations, especially in the development sector. International Islamic Youth League is also proud to recognise the services of all its past and present trustees, staff and volunteers who have given their valuable time, skills and services to make this organisation a catalyst for positive change in the lives of millions of people.
We deeply appreciate the support of our donors both individuals and institutions who have made it possible for International Islamic Youth League to serve humanity both in need and in adversity.